They say that time flies when you're having fun and this has certainly been true over the last few weeks which has been jam packed with family, friends, a wedding and a trip to the Alps.
Papa T and I flew back to the UK in mid May, he for work, me for fun luckily. First stop was to Papa T 's family; little can beat sitting in an english garden on a beautiful summer's day...
.....although a walk in the woods on a summer's evening was pretty good too
particularly when you come across such handsome creatures as these...
We then had a few days in London, Papa T working of course whilst I had time to for sightseeing and to catch up with friends. I can't remember the last time I was a 'tourist' in London, it really is a great city
After a lovely supper at Brasserie Zedel and to BT's surprise I had tickets to see Book of Mormon, which although very rude and irreverent was hugely entertaining, we loved it
We discovered that our hotel was almost next door to where Papa T had first lived when he moved to London in 1980-Toc H House in Trinity Square. It's thanks to him living here that he and I met but that's another story.
I spent a couple of nights with BT and was pleased to plant up a few tubs for her and her housemates to enjoy on their large balcony. I also bought them some sunflower seeds so they can hold a growing competition which I hear is progressing well

Having waved poor Papa T off again back to Singapore I joined the family on the way up to Wales for the wedding of the year. On route we stopped off for tea with old friends who live very close to the Shropshire-Welsh border and admired their beautiful garden whilst catching up
My sister JN, Mother and I stayed overnight at a delightful B&B and the following morning had a stroll along the nearby Shropshire Union canal
A canal boat holiday sounds very relaxing but this chap seemed quite stressed trying to turn his boat around in such a small area
Next stop was the impressive Ruthin Castle where we were staying for my brother and his beautiful Welsh bride's wedding. The wedding guests where starting to arrive ready for the wedding weekend.

Majestic peacocks patrolled the lovely castle grounds
The bride to be and her father relaxing in the Library
In the evening everyone gathered in the Italian Garden and the partying started
My brother and his lovely daughters
The following morning; and only a few hours before the wedding, our groom led a party of walkers to the top of Moel Famau for the wide reaching views-sadly completely obscured by thick clouds! However the very windy walk worked wonders in blowing away the remains of the previous nights excesses!
On getting back to the hotel and smartening ourselves up it was time for the main event-the wedding, held in small chapel in Pentrecelyn with the bride's sister as bridesmaid and the groom's daughters as the most glamorous best 'wo'-men that I have ever seen
The ceremony was in English and Welsh, including the hymns and the vows
The very happy bride and groom
After the ceremony we gathered back at the castle, this and the peacocks providing perfect background for everyone's photographs
A very happy father of the bride making his speech
By this time in the proceedings the wine had been flowing and I stopped taking photos and just enjoyed the happy occasion, I feel very lucky to have such a lovely new sister in law join our family.