I will admit that the last two weeks of staying at home, staying socially isolated and continuing to lead such a constrained life has been taking it's toll. I have found it increasingly hard to stay motivated, keep cheerful and even be positive. Feeling homesick has come and gone over the past 6 years years but has been strong recently, homesick for life as it was before Coronavirus, homesick for the UK and in particular homesick for my family.
This week Papa T and I should have been in the UK catching up with everyone and looking forward to a family sailing holiday in Croatia next week with our children and their partners. Sadly those plans were cancelled weeks ago and most upsettingly we have no idea as to when we will be able to see our families next as the ability to travel to and fro between the UK and Singapore is nigh impossible at the moment. Even if we could get a flight to the UK we would have to serve 2 weeks quarantine there before actually seeing anyone. Then to return to Singapore we would have to apply for permission from the government to re-enter. At the moment few applications are being granted. We have friends (who usually live in Singapore) that returned to the UK in March and have been applying to return here for weeks but without luck. The difficulties don't stop even when permission has been granted as on re-entering Singapore we would have to serve 2 weeks in a 'quarantine facility' i.e. hotel were we would literally have to stay inside
the room for 14 days.
With these restrictions and the time scale involved it looks unlikely that we will be able to travel to the UK, or anywhere else really, for a long while yet.
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One of the measures to combat the spread of Covid 19 that has been the norm for several weeks now is that everyone has to 'check in' and check out of everywhere we go, the shopping mall, each individual shop, the Botanic gardens and other nature parks, hospitals and hairdressers-everywhere, except our own homes.
Scanning the QR code on a phone opens up a form, once completed (name, identity number & phone number) and confirmation received I can check into the mall
As I walk down the corridor in the mall my temperature is automatically scanned and checked by the security person sitting at the end, I show the confirmation pass on my phone and I'm in. I then go through the same process for each shop I enter, at the moment there's only a choice of the supermarket, pharmacy and cafΓ© but when the other shops are re opened it will include all of them.
When I've exiting each place I then have to 'check-out' and finally check out of the mall.
The purpose of this Safe Entry system is to prevent and control the transmission of Covid-19 through contact tracing and identification of infection clusters. Singapore has been very effective in tracking down contacts of coronavirus and implementing quarantine and the numbers of new daily cases has started to slow.
The news of other countries unlocking and restrictions easing so that people are able to meet with their friends and family again, is good to hear and I'm really pleased for my own friends and family, but I can't help but feel envious too. As one friend said "we feel socially starved". To see one other person, a friend standing in front of me not on a screen, being able to go for a walk or have a meal together and to be able to chat is something both Papa T and I have been longing for but with Singapore continuing to have 3-500 new coronavirus cases confirmed daily it seemed that a date for Phase 2 was still a long way off being announced.
But then to our, and I think, everyone's utter amazement on Monday evening it was announced, Phase 2 is to commence this Friday, 19th June and even more amazing is the extent of the easing of restrictions. We will be able to not only see one friend but up to 4, as we "can get together socially in groups of up to 5 and households can receive up to five visitors at any one time"!
There's even more to look forward to as "most business, social activities, retail and food and beverage outlets, including dining in will be allowed (with tables of up to 5)". We will be able to eat out with friends again!
Public spaces, parks, stadiums, swimming complex, tennis courts, fitness studios are also reopening.
Strict social distancing will continue, here in Singapore 1 meter is the rule, and numbers of people entering a shop will be limited depending on the shop size and we have to continue to wear a face mask whenever outside our own homes.
This news was so unexpected but oh so welcome. My, and I think many of my friends moods have lifted hugely. The buzz of excitement is palpable, everyone is smiling and talking ( on the phone of course) about who and when and where they will meet up, bubbles of 5, are being worked out and plans made.
I find myself delighted at the thought of meeting up, going out for a meal, resuming playing mahjong and more but I also feel rather a bit nervous. I can only liken my feelings as to that of an animal that has been kept in a cage for a long time but when the cage door is opened, the animal stays inside the cage looking out of the open door thinking 'it looks a bit scary out there'!
Papa T and I have agreed to take things slowly. So far I have made arrangements to meet up with just 1 friend for a walk on Friday and then in the evening I have booked an outside table at the Italian restaurant just down the road from us. I don't feel ready yet to meet groups of friends, eat inside a restaurant or go to a shopping Mall but I'm sure that time will come.
A rainbow generally indicates the storm is passing and better weather is coming, it has been a very appropriate symbol during this time. The 'weather' outlook for this week is an improving one, with a bit more time the sun will be high in the sky againπ€
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