One week on from my last post and it feels like not much has happened. The days are all pretty similar to each other, there are few options as to what we can do and where we can go.
The highlights of the last week have been-
1. The virtual pub quiz, which has become a regular Saturday night event now. The team we are part of has continued to maintain it's 5th place overall (out of 14 teams).
1. The virtual pub quiz, which has become a regular Saturday night event now. The team we are part of has continued to maintain it's 5th place overall (out of 14 teams).
2. Food and meals have become more important than previously. We spend more time planning and preparing meals and have had some really interesting and tasty dishes. Prior to Corona-chaos we would often eat out, sometimes 2- 3 times a week, but this is not possible now and as Papa T is working from home there are now 2 of us for lunch and dinner every day as well as coffee and tea breaks so I have to do an awful lot more food shopping than previously!
News stories from around the world are reporting on the effect that lockdown is having on reducing air pollution and there has been some wonderful footage of wild animals venturing into towns and cities now there is less traffic and people there.
3. The wildlife in Singapore has also been more noticeable. With less street noise and quieter roads about I can hear beautiful bird song much more easily. I love hearing and seeing birds and the occasional butterfly and lizard whilst sitting on the patio but I was a little miffed to find a large toad had dug itself a nice hole in my seed tray, dislodging the soil and probably the seeds too!
Recently bats have had a very bad press, the eating of them has possibly been linked to the Covid 19 virus transferring to humans. I like seeing bats and am happy that one has taken up residence in the eaves just outside our front door, she/he is quite safe with us but I am worried that other residents might not be so tolerant, hopefully they won't look up and spot this little creature
Slightly more perturbing is the thought that there may be a snake close by! On Papa T's way back from his walk the other day he spotted this snake skin on our patio wall, after admiring it, there quickly came the question; where is the snake? We've peered into the plant beds but can't find it. In one of the beds the plants have become very tall and densely packed and need thinning out but at the moment I'm not too keen on taking this on as too scared I might meet the snake skin's owner.
The Botanic Gardens have been quieter than usual as many paths are shut to allow for social distancing. The wildlife are probably enjoying the peace and quiet and having more space to roam without people getting in their way. Many years ago I understand that monkeys were a common sight here but as people fed them the monkeys became aggressive so they were removed. Over the last few days a few monkeys have found their way back and seem to have settled in. Unfortunately yesterday I saw a lady throw some food for them, I don't suppose it will be long before these monkeys will find themselves evicted too.
4. As all the barbers and hairdressers are shut neither of us have had a haircut in weeks and Papa T's hair in particular has been looking a bit wild. I've never cut anyone's hair before so I was a little apprehensive but prepared to give it a go, we both concluded that as he is working from home for the foreseeable future if the cut was a disaster then few people are going to see it anyway.
Papa T then announced that he wanted a mohican haircut, apparently something he has always wanted. After cutting and clipping for quite some while this is the result......
For a first attempt I don't think it's too bad and can't wait for it to grow again so I can try a different cut on him next time!
Tuesday arrived and again it was a Black Tuesday with another restriction being announced.
"Exercising and dog walking are not permitted within the common areas of the condominium".
Initially I wasn't too upset by this as we don't have a dog nor exercise in the common areas but then I felt cross as I often see some of the older residents walking around the garden and paths of the condo.
Recently as Papa T is working in his 'home office' I sit on the patio to do my emails etc and have come to know a few of the condo residents who walk by. There is an inquisitive 18month old toddler exploring the flowers and leaves and then an elderly gentleman who used to stare blankly at the ground, both followed by their filipina helpers and another elderly lady who passes me 3 times as she does her laps around the condo. We now look out for each other to wave, smile and say hello, happy to see and have little bit of contact with another person.
I feel really sad that these residents who perhaps don't have the ability to walk very far and certainly not as far as the Botanic Gardens and have already been told they must stay at home as they are in the more vulnerable group, are now not even allowed to get a bit of fresh air and exercise in their own environment, I'm hoping that they will ignore this new restriction and continue with their walks.
This week the number of people infected with Coronavirus around the world has continued to climb, there are now over 3 million cases and over 220,000 deaths worldwide.
Singapore's figures continue to increase and as of today (Thursday 30th April) are;
New cases- 528
Total -16,169
Hospitalised- 1,708 with 22 in ICU
In community facilities - 13,202
Deaths - 15
Recovered - 1,244
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