Thursday, 23 April 2020

Black Tuesday again

I had noticed that the Singapore lockdown or Circuit Breaker measures as its called here, had been announced on a Tuesday (7th April) and then further restrictions announced the following Tuesday, so yesterday I was feeling a little nervous, it was Tuesday (21st April).

Actually the day started well and happily, Papa T and I donned our masks and went for our usual early morning walk and found a small new route that went across an open space so it feels almost rural for about 10 mins, joy indeed!
 Back home again Papa T went to his 'home office' and started work whilst I did an online Joe Wicks HIT class followed by a lovely yoga class. I felt exercised, stretched and relaxed. After doing the chores, and making lunch, which we had on the balcony I then had a fruitful hour sowing what will hopefully be a little herb garden. I had a few old seed packets that I had brought out to Singapore when we came here 6 years ago of Basil, Coriander, Red Pepper, Tomato and Parsley and just enough potting compost (not sowing compost unfortunately ) and 1 small pot but being resourceful I used 2 pot trays and cut up a plastic bottle to make 2 little pots.
 I felt ridiculously satisfied with my efforts but also a little apprehensive as to if these plants will grow in Singapore's heat, the packets recommend a germination temperature of 17-21c, where as here the temperature is generally 28-35c outside and 24-32c indoors depending on if the A/C is on or not. Anyway I'll give it a go.

Late afternoon I was about to leave the house (masked of course) when Papa T received a message  saying that the Prime Minister was making an announcement at 5pm, in 15 minutes time. In my heart I knew this was probably going to mean bad news which I didn't want to hear at that moment, I didn't want my high spirits to be squashed so I went to the shops and missed the broadcast.
Once back home I found out that indeed it had been bad news- another month has been added to the circuit breaker so it is now due to continue until the 1st June. As well as this, further restrictions have been added including closure of more businesses, entry to popular wet markets to be controlled by only allowing those with ID number ending in even numbers in on even dates of the month & then those with odd number ID on odd days of the month, car parks in parks, gardens and nature reserves closed, schools to continue with home based learning with the June school holiday to start on May 5th, foreign workers will no longer be allowed to go in and out of all dormitories and something that will affect us; people now should go out alone to shop or exercise.

My previous happy mood disappeared, instead of only 2 more weeks of Circuit Breaker we now have 6 weeks ! We haven't been able to get together with friends for weeks but at least we have been able to go for walks and occasionally go to the supermarket together. They seem such ridiculously small things to enjoy and now they have to go too.

Today I have picked myself up and understand that these firmer restrictions have been put in place to actively discourage anyone leaving their home unless absolutely necessary in an effort to reduce the numbers of Covid 19 infections which have been continuing to increase dramatically in Singapore, the curve is not yet 'flattening' here.
Today's figures for Covid-19 in Singapore are;
New cases- 1,016
Total cases- 10,141
Hospitalised- 4,234 with 24 in ICU
In Community facilities- 4,999
Deaths- 12
Recovered- 896
I've been for a walk in the Botanic Gardens, on my own of course, it always cheers me up and soothes my soul, it was very quiet, few people and all of them walking around each other ensuring a 1m distance, I found it sad to see signs forbidding people to walk on the lawns anymore
And to cap it all not only are they closing the off licences but the bubble tea shops too!
But of course I am fortunate to at least be able to go out, I am well and safe and this difficult time will pass- eventually

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